by Barbamedic

Some A+D Ointment for your soul?
Now what I am referring to is Anxiety and Depression. WE ALL need a cure
for this at one time or another in our lives. We all experience it, and must
learn to be proactive in our own afflictions.
It would be so nice to have an ointment to slather and rub on to penetrate that very deep source of the emotional pain, the worry, the fear and the deep distress from within and cure it. As quoted from A+D about the skin "Because it's so delicate, it requires a special understanding to help care for and nurture it". "Care for and nurture it" is what I extracted from this for you. One must be absolutely introspective and take a deep and honest look at themselves from within. What are your symptoms? How are you feeling physically? And mentally? Do you have any knowledge of why you are having anxiety?
Speaking for myself, I am fully aware of WHY I feel so bad when I do.
In my years of hospital experiences, many patients come in and are so despondent
and many do not understand WHY? Often it is a true intrinsic medical condition that they are experiencing. Others, on the flip side of this, are the severely and chronically depressed individuals with extreme extrinsic reasons for their condition. These individuals may be in such a knot and are bound so tightly, they cannot escape the state of HELLth they are in without professional assistance.
Management of anxiety and depression requires some work, and as I stated earlier, a commitment to being proactive for your own health. I can offer you some tips, wish you luck, and send you prayers and good vibes.
1.) Get a good medical physical and tell your physician about the state you are in. There are diagnostic tests that are very basic and can lead to many hidden diagnoses.
2.) Work on proper sleep patterns and getting enough sleep. It may be as simple as adding a natural sleep supplement (Melatonin) or mild prescriptions (Lunesta and several others).
3.) Improve your diet with better nutrition. Try adding some vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and vitamin D. Beware of unproven supplements, although some are very good. Fish oil is a very good mood enhancer, as it is a basis for the building blocks of some neurotransmitters in the brain. Other supplements have been insufficiently tested and may affect you adversely.
4.) Incorporate more exercise into your life, as approved for your condition. When you exercise, your body releases chemicals called endorphins, triggering a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine.
5.) Start on a path to wellness. Find support, make new friends, find ways to improve your life. Even small changes can make a positive difference. Take small steps initially, but always try to move in a forward direction.
6.) Walk, walk, walk! This is not just for exercise, but for fresh air, sunshine, feeling at one with the universe, and inner peace. Light increases serotonin, which is a neuro- transmitter that influences well being and mood.
7.) Restore good grooming habits. Look the look, talk the talk, walk the walk. Speak with good breath, smile with clean teeth, let the wind flow through your sparkling hair. You will begin to feel better if you adhere to good habits.
8.) Keep busy and incorporate the things you enjoy into your routine. Enjoy something each day, even if it is only for a short time. Watch a sunset, spend time doing a project you love, sit by the lake, enjoy a hot chocolate by the fire.
9.) Do random acts of kindness. I feel great when I go the extra mile for someone in need. The more you give of yourself the more you get....even if it is the mere enjoyment of giving and expecting nothing in return.
10.) Get connections and come out of isolation. Share yourself by attending gatherings, joining a club, playing card games with friends. Isolation leads to depression and the body is known to respond as it were experiencing severe somatic illness.
There are many causes of these problems, thus the many solutions start with you! So go ahead and rub that jar of healing ointment on and begin your journey to good health.
Remember, It's your HELLth or HEALth !